Time is your most valuable asset. Let's make it count
Time is your most valuable asset.
Let's make it count
+ 1 Speaker - to be defined
Lyssa Adkins: Future-fit Leaders are needed right now
Minola Jac: The power of being ‘a recovering perfectionist, and an aspiring good-enoughist’
These terms of service ("Terms", "Agreement") are an agreement between the website ("Website operator", "us", "we" or "our") and you ("User", "you" or "your"). This Agreement sets forth the general terms and conditions of your use of this website and any of its products or services (collectively, "Website" or "Services").
with Steve Denning and Hugo Lourenço
to be defined - get to know more
to be defined - get to know more
to be defined
to be defined
to be defined
with Speakers and Moderator
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
to be defined
to be defined
to be defined
with Speakers and Moderator
to be defined
to be defined
To be successful your content needs to be useful to your readers.
*Limited to 12 people
with Steve Denning and Hugo Lourenço
to be defined - get to know more
to be defined - get to know more
to be defined
to be defined
Lyssa Adkins: Future-fit Leaders are needed right now
Minola Jac: The power of being ‘a recovering perfectionist, and an aspiring good-enoughist’
to be defined
to be defined - get to know more
to be defined - get to know more
Pete Behrens
+3 Speakers - to be defined
Jim Highsmith
+3 Speakers - to be defined
to be defined
These terms of service ("Terms", "Agreement") are an agreement between the website ("Website operator", "us", "we" or "our") and you ("User", "you" or "your"). This Agreement sets forth the general terms and conditions of your use of this website and any of its products or services (collectively, "Website" or "Services").
with Steve Denning and Hugo Lourenço
to be defined - get to know more
to be defined - get to know more
to be defined
to be defined
to be defined
with Speakers and Moderator
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
to be defined
to be defined
to be defined
with Speakers and Moderator
to be defined
to be defined
To be successful your content needs to be useful to your readers.
with Steve Denning and Hugo Lourenço
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
to be defined - get to know more
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
to be defined
to be defined
+ 1 speaker - to be confirmed
+1 speaker - to be confirmed
Lyssa Adkins: Future-fit Leaders are needed right now
Minola Jac: The power of being ‘a recovering perfectionist, and an aspiring good-enoughist’
*Limited to 12 people
with Steve Denning and Hugo Lourenço
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
to be defined - get to know more
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
to be defined
to be defined
Lyssa Adkins: Future-fit Leaders are needed right now
Minola Jac: The power of being ‘a recovering perfectionist, and an aspiring good-enoughist’
to be defined
to be defined - get to know more
to be defined - get to know more
Pete Behrens
+3 Speakers - to be defined
Jim Highsmith
+3 Speakers - to be defined
to be defined
These terms of service ("Terms", "Agreement") are an agreement between the website ("Website operator", "us", "we" or "our") and you ("User", "you" or "your"). This Agreement sets forth the general terms and conditions of your use of this website and any of its products or services (collectively, "Website" or "Services").
with Steve Denning and Hugo Lourenço
to be defined - get to know more
to be defined - get to know more
to be defined
to be defined
to be defined
with Speakers and Moderator
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
to be defined
to be defined
to be defined
with Speakers and Moderator
to be defined
to be defined
To be successful your content needs to be useful to your readers.
with Steve Denning and Hugo Lourenço
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
to be defined - get to know more
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
with Speaker
to be defined
to be defined
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